The Emotional Salary Barometer team have designed this tool that is intended to help you identify how certain factors in your organisation might be affecting your people’s Emotional Salary.
This tool has been designed for organisational leaders to give insights as to how organisational
brand, culture, leadership and people management and development policies might be
impacting on the organisation's Emotional Salary. It does not measure individual Emotional
Salary and is not designed for use by employees of an organisation. If you are an individual
interested in measuring your own Emotional Salary, our Emotional Salary Barometer provides
you with a detailed report and action plan.
In this questionnaire we list a series of variables. According to your knowledge, experience and position, please indicate the level of importance for each in relation to the emotional salary / emotional well-being of the employees in your organization.
It will not take longer than 5 minutes. You can mark only one option in each answer.
You can respond to the Quick Scan for Leaders from the perspective of your direct team, of a wider group you're responsible for or the company as a whole. Please maintain the same perspective throughout the questionnaire as this will deliver more meaningful results.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous and its results are confidential, we will use them only to understand your current situation and to be able to identify those areas in which we can help you.
Once we receive your responses, we will contact you to show you the results so that we can collaboratively analyze: